Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Chicks Are Here!

   I woke up at 6:00 and came downstairs to read the Bible.  At 6:10 a.m., I noticed the phone light flashing though it didn't ring, as we have set it NOT to ring before 7 a.m.   How odd, I thought.

  And then the message light started flashing.  It was the post office, saying our chicks were there!  Wow, the postal workers start work EARLY!

  So I woke up my big girls to say where I was going, and ran off to the post office. By 6:35 a.m., we had our chicks!
Now true confessions, I've been pretty stressed out about these chicks.  Would they eat?  Would they drink?  Human infants (mine anyway) sometimes have a hard time with eating when first born.   I wondered how we would convince to 15 cheeping chicks to eat and drink.

  Ok, NOT a problem.  They have taken to eating and drinking like ducks to water.  And wow, are they CUTE!

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