Sunday, May 13, 2012


I had another OB appointment on Friday.  I was contracting all afternoon, sometimes with contractions very close together -- like 2 to 3 minutes apart. I was on the non stress test machine for quite a while as the baby was asleep.  I drank some apple juice, and that woke him up. I had a weight and blood pressure check, and both were good. I finally got in to see the doctor and she checked me. And NOTHING is going on.  It really is rather bizarre that I could be having that many contractions, some of them painful, and I'm not even dilating!  It is good as another week would be good for him, but it makes it hard to know what is going on.  I just keep praying for God's timing to be clear.

It is hard in some ways in that both Kevin and I are eager to have the baby.  We feel like we are in a "holding pattern" as we don't know when he'll arrive, so cannot make many plans about what we will and won't do.  But that is OK.  I'm 37 weeks, 3 days today.  If we can make it until at least Thursday, he'll be 38 weeks and I'll feel pretty good about delivering him.  And if we make it to May 24th, that is good too.  That's the latest possible delivery date; the C-section is scheduled for that day.

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