Tuesday, October 16, 2012


  Yes, we have visitors!  These are the guinea fowl from next door.  They have decided that our yard is much nicer than their own yard.  We have a pool with a railing.  We have chickens who are interesting, though oddly the chickens never leave their yard.  Fly, chickens, fly!

  Their own yard has 2 dogs.  No self respecting guinea likes being chased around by dogs.

  The neighbor called a few days ago, apologetic and distressed that his guineas were camping out at our place.  We really don't mind. Yes, they make a minor mess on the deck but that's not a huge deal. We are entertained by their antics.  They are ugly. They make funny noises.  They amuse us by being devoted flock birds. They NEVER stray far from one another.  It is hilarious to watch them tripping along the railing around the pool, with one fat bird scuttling eagerly after another.

  Yes, guineas are nice.  Useless, but nice.  (As for us, we'll stick with hens who lay eggs!)

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