Saturday, January 26, 2013

Warm, but He Doesn't Match!

I had to chuckle when our eldest son emerged from upstairs in this outfit.  No,it DOES NOT MATCH!
I'm not a fashionista (as everyone who knows me can attest) but I do try to match the colors of my clothing to one another.
Our children rarely share my concerns about "matching".  They often wear clothing that clashes.
While I will point out when an outfit clashes, I very rarely make a kid change his or her clothing based on "matching".  We have enough rules in our home that I figure I can give the kids the freedom to wear clothes that don't match.
I will admit that when we are heading out to church, I want the kids to look fairly decent so will request a change of clothing if necessary.
Isaac did eventually go back upstairs and change his pants into ones with the same fabric as his shirt.  He was so bright that it was hard to look at him straight, but he did match!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

This is how C wears his PJ's all the time - I've stopped matching them up because I know he won't wear them matched even if they are together in the drawer. I too don't like clashing but I figure as long as the girls are modest and feminine and C is modest then I'll pick my battles :D