Monday, June 3, 2013

Trip to the Boonshoft in the Mall

There is a local children's museum called the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery. It is a science oriented museum for children.

The last time I went, we ONLY had 6 kids.  That trip took years off my life, and I decided never again. The problem was (is) that while the Boonshoft is a lot of fun, it is also very hard to keep track of everyone. There is a giant play equipment area that stretches THREE levels, so kids climb up a mesh and then can slide down a ladder, or go up one more level.  You get the picture.  One Mom, me.  6 kids, at that time ranging in age from probably 9 to baby.  Isaac got lost 2ce.  It was fun for them, a nightmare for me.

But my friend Sarah B. mentioned in HER blog that there is a Boonshoft extension at a local mall.  It sounded much smaller, so we decided to go last week. 

 And yes, it was much much smaller. Very small.  I confess when we first came that I was a little disappointed because it seemed so tiny.  But actually, most of the children had a great time and we spent 2 very happy hours there.  (It was also cheap -- admission was $15 for all of us.)

Daniel had a blast.  This is an area where lights turn on when a person steps on it.  Isaac said actually just blocking the light from the ceiling lights made the floor lights turn on too?  So I am not sure if it is pressure sensitive or light sensitive.

That is me taking the picture in the background. I don't usually look that warped so I guess it was a slightly funny mirror.

There were several apparatuses (apparati?) using light balls.  Here Sarah is playing around with balls and gravity.

Naomi made a giant structure out of light foam building material.  The museum staff had just put this together and our kids were the first to use it.  Awesome!

Miriam and Angela lounging around on other building materials.

 This was probably the biggest hit of all.  Both the cone and the apparatus Isaac is on had air blowing upwards, so that balls could either be suspended in air, or made to fly upwards.  Sarah is hiding behind Isaac; she was utterly enchanted with this thing!  She spent at least an hour playing with the balls.

  All in all, it was a fine use of time and money to go to this little museum extension. It was definitely aimed at younger kids and Naomi was a bit bored, but I was very pleased in general.

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