Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Little Sickie

  It is 1:30 a.m. and I am awake.  Our little man is awake. Our little man is sick.  I am NOT sick, but I am tired.

  Poor little guy.  Yesterday morning, he woke up a little early and when I picked him up, I could tell he had quite a high fever.  Ye olde thermometer confirmed it...103 degrees.  He was pretty unhappy, so I did give him meds to bring down his fever.  He went up and down yesterday and today, depending on when he last had meds.  He's had 104 a couple of times.

 I'm not very distressed about a fever.  It actually is good for killing off the viruses.  Daniel also has gunky eyes and impetigo, so I took him into the doctor today and the doc prescribed a couple of topicals so we can knock out these little things.

  Tonight, the poor little man just doesn't want to sleep.  He did have a thoroughly messy diaper around 11 p.m., and that woke him up.  Since then, he's drifted off briefly but then woken up.  And he is NOT content to just quietly lie in his bed.  NO. He kept wailing and screaming.

 Right now, he is awake and downright perky.  He is toddling very happily around the room. MAYBE he has turned a corner and is feeling better?  But why isn't he really tired?

  I admit to being very spoiled as our kids usually sleep incredibly well.  This is Night #2 with inadequate sleep and I'm feeling it. But I will, of course, always love him.

  Even when he won't let me sleep.

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