Sunday, February 23, 2014

23 weeks tomorrow

Tomorrow, I'll be 23 weeks along in this pregnancy.  I am feeling fairly well right now.  I'm definitely getting bigger and gaining weight, but I'm not too bulbous.  I'm over the nausea and can eat a respectable amount without feeling sick.  The baby kicks and squirms, and I have the delight of feeling that, but she isn't so big that she is sticking her feet in my ribs. Yet.

It is a bit surreal knowing that in less than 4 months, we'll have a newborn baby in our home.  Yes, we've done it 8 times before, but every time is its own little miracle.  It is hard to believe that a tiny human being is growing and maturing in my womb right this moment, but she is.

I've been praying often for a good delivery, and I'd appreciate similar prayers if you have time.  My last delivery was a roughish C-section and while I am not TOO nervous this time around, it is on my mind. I pray that everything goes well, the baby is healthy, and that I recover well. I'm also praying that nursing goes well...I've had milk supply issues with the last 5 kids, though not at birth.  Daniel was weaned at around 3 months as I ran out of milk.  As I'm older and even busier than last time, I am not sure how long I'll make it with this precious little person.

I posted a question about possible names on Facebook, and friends came up with a host of options. I'm going to make a list and probably in 3 months we'll figure out a name. We obviously don't leap into the whole "name" thing :-).  My friends came up with many good options, so we'll figure out one we like.

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