Sunday, April 27, 2014


I love it when I have a coherent idea for a blog post, but today I don't. So I'm going to ramble. I am doing?  Well, in some ways, great.  I'm 32 weeks pregnant tomorrow. Baby Girl is very active. Baby Girl also has not a smidgen of a name yet.  Ha.  We'll figure one out for her.

On the other hand, I'm having bunches of contractions, don't feel well a fair amount of the time, and am not sleeping great.  Ah, the joys of late pregnancy!  I do get frustrated by it.  I am, praise God, pretty healthy and I've not had preeclampsia or rocketing blood sugars or any other really serious problems with pregnancy.  I was on partial bed rest with Lydia's pregnancy due to preterm contractions, but she was born full term.

The Lord reminded me of a book I read (and reviewed on this blog) many months ago. The book review is here:

Ok, so this guy was climbing one day, messed up by not communicating with his partner, and fell 100 feet onto rock.  He survived, which was a bona fide miracle. But oh, he was messed up. And he is still messed up, though he lives a very active life now.

I have felt so frustrated with my physical weakness and my need to have other people in the family (Kevin and the big kids, primarily) do "my jobs".  But Craig DeMartino was incapacitated for more than a year and even now has physical problems I hope I'll never deal with. So I need to be patient with my life and my limitations.  It is all in a good cause. I'm nurturing a sweet little girl who needs 6 or 7 more weeks in the womb.

The weather has mostly been nice.  I love spring.

We got some new furniture for our big girls' room.  They've been using a dresser I had as a young teen, so I got it 30 years ago and I think it was used then.  It was functional but not beautiful.  Kevin's grandmother died back at Thanksgiving, and we got 2 dressers from her house that are now in our big girls' room.  This will give them much more space for their clothes, and the furniture is much nicer.  Naomi and Lydia used to share all their clothes, but now they need different sized pants.

Daniel, our toddler, likes scaring the living daylights out of me.  He is pretty good on stairs now so of course he is "upping the ante" to make stair climbing more interesting.  He usually goes up stairs on hands and feet.  Yesterday, he was trying to climb the stairs like a normal person, which is to say -- legs only. He was wobbling and it really freaked me out. He didn't fall!

Sarah, our 3 year old, had THREE accidents yesterday after a full month of being completely dry during the day.  Silly girl.  So on top of changing all the sheets on the beds, we had smelly towels and her clothes to wash.  AND, I had let the kids do some painting in our sun room and several of them got their clothes dirty with (washable) paint.  The laundry was truly scary yesterday but we've gotten through most of it.  Well, it is washed. It still needs to be folded and put away.

I have been getting kids into the eye doctor. Isaac went last week and his eyes are fairly stable. He had amblyopia and lost most of his vision in his left eye, but it came back after he diligently patched the good eye for more than a year. We are so thankful.  When he was first diagnosed, he had no depth perception and now he is close to normal in his depth perception.

I also went to the eye doctor. I was near sighted from age 13 to age 39, and then old age "caught up with me" and my eyes shifted.  So now, believe it or not, I'm close to 20/20 in both eyes. I wear glasses when I drive at night, but mostly I am good without glasses.

There is some irony there. 10 years ago or so, Kevin had LASIK surgery and I would have gotten it as well, but I just kept either being pregnant or nursing a baby and they don't do LASIK during those times. And then my eyes rather miraculously got close to perfect.  We are thankful for the thousands of dollars saved!

I met with our homeschool assessor this week. It was very encouraging.  She is a wonderful lady and we had good talks about the strengths and weaknesses of the children. She was particularly impressed with the writing skills of our 2 big girls.  Not only are they creative, but they are good editors of their own work.

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