Friday, May 23, 2014

And A River Ran Through It

2 nights ago, we got totally, completely, deluged with rain.

It really was impressive!

This is the view out our sun room.

Someone posted on Facebook that their rain gauge measured 5.5 inches of rain!

I don't know if we got that much, but it poured hard for a couple of hours so we at least got a couple of inches.

Not for the first time, we were super thankful we live on a hill.  We have never had flooding in the basement.  Obviously, we had plenty of water pouring into our back yard but it was harmless pouring -- our chickens were fine.

We took cover in the basement for at least an hour as the winds were fierce.  That would have been fine except that it was past Daniel's bed time. I have observed that the Little Lad has a fiercer desire (even than usual) to climb on things when he is tired.  So he climbed in the basement...on the furniture, on a book shelf, and even stood (wobbling) on the foosball table before I pulled him down.

He is a dear child, but very tiring.

We didn't lose power so all was well with us.  A friend had flooding in her basement and much of her art work was ruined, which was sad.

Today was beautiful and all was back to normal out back.

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