Thursday, December 18, 2014

Illness and Sorrow

I wait here for the baby to wake up. She's been sleeping 9 to 10 hours a night, bless her!  If she isn't up in 20 minutes, I'll get her up as the hordes will come down at 7 a.m. and I need to nurse her before then.

It has been a tough week. We've been sick.  I lost my voice entirely 2 days ago.  I had basically NOTHING all day.  That is not easy as mom of 9!  Fortunately, I have my big girls who can help run things. Fortunately, our older 6 children can read well so I could write notes.  Sarah, age 4, found Silent Mom the hardest as she cannot read yet.  She just kept asking the same questions, over and over, louder and louder. WHY isn't Mom answering?  It bewildered her.

Lydia did an amazing job of interpreting my waving arms and pointing when I was nursing Rose and couldn't write a note.  It was funny.

Yesterday my voice was sort of back, but if I talked too much, I started coughing. So I was still pretty quiet.  School has been out this week, but the kids have done some puzzles, some reading, some educational videos.

We've also learned more about grief. Last night, the 4 older girls and I went to the visitation for my friend's husband.  There were hundreds of people who came.  He was loved and admired by many in the community. His parents were there.  They've lost a son.  His brother was there.  His wife and children, now a widow and orphans.  It was hard.  It was sad.  It was wonderful to see the outpouring of love, but how we wish he was still here.

His wife wrote a wonderful blog post about her journey:

I have more to say but the bambino is waking.  May God bless you all. Give your loved ones an extra hug today. Let's not forget to appreciate the people in our lives.

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