Friday, November 27, 2015


  Many years ago, Kevin and I started cutting hair for our family.  I remember well the first time I cut Kevin's hair.  He keeps it short and it is relatively uncomplicated, so he bought a trimmer set (from Sam's, I think) and told me to go to it.  Since we are both engineers, I of course wanted to do it right.  I was pretty nervous, and remember wailing, "I just don't want to screw it up!"

  And I did fine.

  So since then, he cuts part of his hair and I cut part of his hair and he hasn't gone to a hair place.

  From Kevin, it was logical to move on to the boys.  They keep their hair pretty short at this stage of their lives, so Kevin cuts their hair short every month or so.

  But girls are harder, right?  Still, we've graduated to cutting their hair at least some of the time. Kevin turns out to be really good at it.  Lydia was recently complimented by someone at her physical therapy at how nicely her hair looks on her.

  Kevin cut hair for 4 girls the same day Lydia had her finger surgery.

  Here is Angela before and after:

  Tell me that's not cute!

  Here is the group photo post pics:

  Such a lovely bunch!

  Rose conked out in the study during the hair cuts.

  Daniel usually sleeps in here and that is his pile of "cows".  He calls all this stuffed pillow pets and animals "cows".

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