Saturday, July 1, 2017

20th Anniversary

Incredibly enough, Kevin and I celebrated 20 years of marriage this week.  It really is hard to believe, hard to FATHOM, that we've been blessed with 20 years together!

Marriage is hard works It is worth it, definitely, but it isn't easy.  I would say our first year was in some ways the most challenging, as we worked out what it was like to live together in marriage together.

On the other hand, back then we didn't have kids waking us up at night. Or fighting.  Or peeing on the floor.  Or falling over and scraping themselves.

In the Princess Bride, Wesley tells Buttercup, "Life is pain, Highness, anyone who tells you anything else is selling something."

It's a funny line in context, but there is a streak of truth. Anyone assuming life will be peaches and cream, all fun, is going to be sorely disappointed.  Our lives are joyful and happy.  Our marriage, our children, our GOD, are a blessing.

Yes, God has carried us through 20 years of marriage.  We are so thankful for His strength, direction and wisdom.

20 years.

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